Thursday, January 21, 2010

Top 10 Reasons I've Started This Diet

10. It seemed like a diet that would fit my lifestyle.
9. I don't want the "Healthy Height and Weight" chart to tell me I'm supposed to be 6'8" anymore.
8. I hate taking and/or looking at pictures of myself - "skinny" ones and "fat" ones
7. I want to be in better shape for the things that matter to me - things like camp and trips to Africa and Parents' Weekend at the Academy
6. "Morbidly" and "obese" are two of the ugliest words in the English language
5. Two more ugly words: health concerns
4. I want to live to see my grandkids.
3. I want to be able to play and to do whatever my kids want me to do.
2. For my long-suffering husband who loves me and has never once complained or asked me to lose weight.
1. It's an obedience issue, and I want to obey God in every area of my life...even eating.

P.S. I knew I couldn't do it. I told my sister about this blog. In my defense, she asked to be my weight-loss partner, and I figured she would need access to my thoughts. We all know what this means. Now I have to tell my other sisters as well. :)

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